Waterless urinals
saving water, savingĀ in costs & quality of the environment
The Green-P urinals are produced by Magic Ceramic, Ltd., which markets the waterless urinals since 1999, thus contributing to the quality of the environment, the washing room hygiene and big savings in costs. For these activities, Magic Ceramic, Ltd. has also been bestowed with the Green Globe prize. The installation of the urinal is very simple, in a new as well an existing building, as replacement for the water-consuming urinal. In case of the existing urinal replacement, the wide body of the urinal conceals the wall area where the old urinal is removed. The waterless urinal connects to the existing sewage piping by a quick and inexpensive installation. On sites where there is a difficulty of appropriate sanitation infrastructure arrangement, such as open-air events or areas with no water supply, it is very easy to install waterless urinals and to solve the problem of bad odors emitted from other solutions. The urinal is made of strong composite materials and is resistant to acts of vandalism and mechanical breakage. The materials are recyclable and environment-friendly